Attendance & Absences

Attendance & Absences

Attendance Policy

All students should report to their 1st period class before the tardy bell rings at 7:40. Any student who is late must sign in through the attendance office. Any requests for an early dismissal should also be submitted to the attendance office prior to the tardy bell.  Anytime students are entering the building after the school day begins or leaving early, they must report through the attendance office. The middle school office will handle all 7th and 8th grade attendance procedures.

Tardy to School
Students who report after 7:40am are considered tardy to school. Any student who is late to school must report to the attendance office prior to stopping at his/her locker, room assignments, or lavatory. Students must present a tardy excuse signed by a parent/guardian that includes a reason for the tardiness, approximate arrival time, and a telephone number where a parent may be contacted for verification of the excuse. Only an excuse from a doctor’s office, other legal documentation, or administrative-approved tardies will be excused. A note from a parent/guardian will generally not be considered excused. Please see “Tardy to School” in the discipline section to review school sanctions for unexcused late arrivals to school. In order to be eligible to compete or perform, a student-athlete or performer must sign-in by 10am (unless excused medically or by other legal documentation).

The rules and regulations governing attendance are as follows

Under state law, it is the legal responsibility of the parent/guardian to see that a child’s attendance at school is assured.  Any student absence is considered unverified and unexcused/unlawful until written documentation is provided to the school office.  Written documentation must be provided within three (3) days of a student’s return to school from an absence. 

A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification shall be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require a medical excuse.

A School Attendance Improvement Plan will be developed for unexcused, unlawful absences.

  • Upon obtaining three (3) unexcused absences, within ten (10) school days of the third unexcused absence, the school will notify the parent/guardian that the child has been truant.  The school may include, with this notice, an invitation for the parent/guardian to participate in a School Attendance Improvement Conference.

  • Upon obtaining six (6) unexcused absences, within ten (10) days of the sixth unexcused absence, if one has not already been held, the school will hold a Student Attendance Improvement Conference.  The school will schedule and invite the student and parent/guardian to the SAIC; the school may also make a referral and invite a representative of the Beaver County Truancy Intervention Program (TIP).  Once this conference has been held and a Student Attendance Improvement Plan has been created, the school may file a citation against the parent/guardian or student in the office of the appropriate magistrate, if the student continues to be truant.

  • The student may face school restrictions, including social probation.

  1. Students who continue to accumulate illegal/unexcused absences after referral/interventions will be referred to the local district magistrate for full prosecution under PA truancy laws.

Once a student accumulates ten (10) or more unexcused/unlawful days, participation in any co-curricular activity and extracurricular activities (including athletics) may be suspended.  

Excused Absences

In accordance with PA State Code and Board Policy #204, the following absences are excused (and require written documentation within 3 school days of a student’s return to school):

  • Illness or quarantine, including if a student is dismissed by designated district staff during school hours for health-related reasons.

  • Obtaining professional health care or therapy service rendered by a licensed practitioner of the healing art.

  • Medical excuse that is submitted within 3 days of a student’s return to school.

  • Family emergency.

  • Recovery from an accident.

  • Required court attendance.

  • Death in the family.

  • Participation in a project sponsored by a statewide or countywide 4-H, FFA or combined 4-H and FFA group, upon prior written request.

  • Students receiving tutorial instruction in a field not offered in the district’s curricula from a properly qualified tutor, approved by the Superintendent, when the excusal does not interfere with the student’s regular program of studies.  

  • Observance of a religious holiday observed by a bona fide religious group, upon written parental request.

  • Pre-approved religious instruction that does not exceed 36 hours per school year (specific dates/times to be submitted, in advance, for excusal by the Principal).  Following each absence, the parent/guardian shall submit a statement attesting that the student attended the instruction and include the dates/times of attendance.

  • Nonschool-sponsored educational tours or trips, requiring the submission of a BASD Educational Family Trip - Extended Absence Excuse form signed by a parent/guardian, prior to the absence and approved by the Principal.

  • College or postsecondary institution visit, with prior approval.

  • Other urgent reasons, approved at the discretion of the principal. 

Student Responsibility 

It is the responsibility of the student to arrange to make up work missed during absences. Students should check online resources and check-in with teachers on the day he/she returns to school following an absence. The student may receive a zero if the assignment(s) is(are) not completed in a reasonable amount of time.

Please consult the BAHS Student Handbook for information about the following:

Early Dismissals
College Visits
Extended Absences
Beaver Co. CTC Attendance
Beaver Cyber Program Attendance
Family Trips
Work Release Procedures

Board Policy 204 Attendance

Absence Procedures

Please attempt to contact the attendance office to give notice of any absence. An automated phone call will be made for any unverified absences by approximately 11 a.m. each day.   
* Please keep in mind that written documentation is required to excuse an absence and must always be submitted within three (3) days of a student’s return to school.  This is required even if a phone call is made informing the attendance office of the absence - phone calls do not excuse days. *

Family Trip Form

For students taking family trips or extended absences during the school year, please submit this form at least 5 days in advance of the trip.

Attendance Contact

Mrs. Deb Snow
724 774 0250 ext. 1803

Beaver County TIP - Truancy Intervention Program

From the Health Office

Concerning illness, students should be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.  Students should also remain home for 24 hours after vomit or diarrhea has ended.

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