Classroom Monitor

Classroom Monitor

ACT 91 of 2021: Classroom Monitor Permit (Type 09)

ACT 91 of 2021: Classroom Monitor Permit (Type 09) 

Across the commonwealth, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to exacerbate critical staffing shortages. On December 17, 2021, Governor Wolf signed into law Act 91 of 2021 (Act 91) to address the substitute teacher shortage in Pennsylvania schools.

Act 91 broadens the scope of individuals to help address the substitute teacher shortage and may provide additional pathways to interest quality individuals to pursue and complete certifications and enter the educator workforce. Specifically, the law provides temporary flexibilities for the use of certain teaching permits and creates a new Classroom Monitor Permit for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years. 

The following guiding principles provide important considerations in the utilization of the new permits. Recognizing the critical staffing issues that threaten our goal of in-person learning, a classroom monitor may be employed to provide coverage and deliver preplanned assignments in classrooms; importantly, a classroom monitor may not plan lessons or create or grade student work.

A school entity may request a Classroom Monitor Permit through the Pennsylvania Department of Education's (PDE) Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) beginning February 4, 2022.

An individual receiving a Classroom Monitor Permit must satisfy the following requirements as outlined in Act 91:

  • Has completed at least 60 semester hours or the equivalent of courses at a regionally accredited college or university located in Pennsylvania or have at least three (3) years' experience as a paraprofessional in a school entity and is currently employed as a paraprofessional in a school entity;
  • Has met the pre-employment requirements for background clearances, citizenship, and good moral character under the School Code and Child Protective Services Law;
  • Is at least 25 years of age; and
  • Has completed training on classroom management provided by an intermediate unit (IU) and approved by PDE. IUs are currently in the process of submitting and receiving approval of their classroom management trainings. Please contact the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit for specifics. Individuals who complete this training will receive a certificate to share with potential employers. 

Additional information and resources pertaining to the changes under Act 91 are available on the Certification Services website

This provision expires June 30, 2023.  Once issued, this permit is valid until that date.

If you have questions about Act 91, or any other questions related to certification or staffing, please do not hesitate to send a message to PDE's certification services resource account, [email protected].

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