Community-Based Resources

Community-Based Resources

~ Disclaimer ~
The Community Resources pages contain a database of community-based resources, as a courtesy to our families.  This is not a comprehensive list of providers and services.  BASD is not affiliated with any of the providers or organizations and we do not make referrals to specific providers or organizations.  BASD is not responsible for any fees associated with services provided by these organizations.  

The information provided on this platform is for general informational purposes, only.  Reference to specific products, services, organizations or individuals does not constitute an endorsement by the BASD.  Users are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and conduct their own research.  BASD is not liable for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone using the resource.

General Resources - Food, Housing, Utilities

United Way 211 Service
Dial 211 and the operator will guide you though the process of finding help
(food, housing, utilities, health care, child care)

Women/Infant/Kids up to age 5

Beaver County Assistance Office
171 Virginia Ave. 
Rochester, PA 15074
LIHEAP (home heating) 724-773-7495
(home heating, SNAP, medical assistance, access, etc.)

The Cornerstone (emergency housing)
1217 Seventh Ave. 2nd floor
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
(food, housing, utilities, health care, child care, emergency housing, transportation needs)

Neighborhood Legal Aid

Center for Hope Ambridge (food)

Bicycle repairs and Bicycle Access for kids and adults

Beaver County Free Meal Schedule

Below is the schedule of free meals and fellowship offered throughout Beaver County. All are welcome to attend! 


11-1 (no deliveries) Twelve Loaves 1031 2nd Avenue New Brighton 

4-5pm Central United Methodist 1227 6th Ave, Beaver Falls 

5:30-6:30pm The Ladle at St. John’s Lutheran Church located at 1320 Church St. (Old Economy), Ambridge 


11-1pm Central United Methodist 1227 6th Ave Beaver Falls 

5:30-6:30pm Manna House of Prayer 2100 Irwin St., Aliquippa 

11-1 (no deliveries) Twelve Loaves 1031 2nd Avenue New Brighton 


4-5pm First Presbyterian 1103 8th Avenue Beaver Falls 


11-1 (no deliveries) Twelve Loaves 1031 2nd Avenue New Brighton 

4-5pm Central United Methodist 1227 6th Ave, Beaver Falls 


11-1 (no deliveries) Twelve Loaves 1031 2nd Avenue New Brighton 

4-5 Central United Methodist 1227 6th Ave, Beaver Falls 


Beaver Falls Breakfast Ministry 

- 1st & 2nd Sat: Central United Methodist 1227 6th Ave (9- 10) 

- 3rd Sat: Focus Ministry (St. John Evangelist Orthodox) 1501 8th Ave (8:30-10:30) TAKE OUT ONLY 

4th Sat: First Baptist Church of Beaver Falls – 616 17th Street (9-11) 


3-4 Salvation Army 414 16th Street, Beaver Falls 


Families Matter -186 Wagner Road Monaca (724-770-1920) 

Mondays 1-2 (Veterans Only); Tuesday 5-6; Thursday 1-2 

St Vincent de Paul Conference - 372 East End Ave, Beaver Pa (724-312-6781 for details)

The 2nd Tuesday of each month between 4:30 and 5:30 

St. John Evangelist Church 1501 8th Ave Beaver Falls 

Thursday 10-4 Focus Pantry (412-876-7118) 


Meals on Wheels 724-774-0292

To update this list contact: Dina Ciabattoni at [email protected] or 724.987.0714 

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