Substitute Teaching Employment Opportunities

Substitute Teaching Employment Opportunities

Substitute Teaching

PA Certified Teachers and Emergency Permit Substitute Teachers

If you do not hold Certification, and are interested in substitute teaching? 

  • If you do not hold the proper certification but have a conferred bachelor's degree, the Beaver Area School District can hire you if you obtain an Emergency Permit. An Emergency Permit allows individuals to perform day-to-day substitute services. Emergency Permits are valid for one (1) school year and can be reissued annually.  Please contact Tracy Mansell, Employee Compliance Coordinator, at  724-774-0250 x 5004 for more information. 
  • In addition, our local Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit #27 (BVIU 27), conducts an annual training for persons interested in obtaining an Emergency Permit and substitute teaching. For inquiries concerning BVIU's Emergency Substitute Training program please click on the following link for more information:

Substitute Teacher rate of pay is $125.00 per day. 

Act 91 Providing Relief to the Field to Address Pennsylvania's Teacher Shortage

Across the commonwealth, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to exacerbate critical staffing shortages focuses on the substitute teacher shortage and is the next step PDE is taking to address educator shortages in a holistic way.  In addition, LEAs have four existing options for implementing staffing flexibilities. 

Broadly speaking, Act 91 enables LEAs to employ annuitants, day-to-day substitutes, educators with inactive certification, graduates of educator preparation programs, and a subset of those serving as student teachers to be employed as substitutes. Act 91 provisions complement existing statutory and regulatory options that have been available to the field since before the pandemic. Details on both sets of provisions are included below.

Act 91 Provisions

Section 129 stipulates that for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years, school employers may use annuitants in an emergency or in the case of a shortage of day-to-day substitute teachers identified by the school employer without having to first attempt to utilize nonretired personnel, except that school employers must first comply with 24 P.S. 1125.1(d) regarding the recall of furloughed employees. The provisions of 24 PA. C.S.A. § 8346.(b) related to the continuation of annuity during a return to school service during an emergency apply to this section.

Section 1114(A) codifies existing requirements for day-to-day emergency permits:

Department Issued Day-to-Day Substitute Permits (Type 06)
An individual holding a day-to-day substitute permit issued in accordance with 22 Pa. Code § 49.31 may substitute in any certificate area for no more than 20 days. Individuals may serve as a day-to-day substitute for more than one professional or temporary professional employee even if the individual serves for more than 20 cumulative days as a day-to- day substitute within a school year. If an LEA requires substituting beyond 20 days for an individual professional or temporary professional employee, a long-term section 49.31 substitute permit is required.

Locally Issued Day-To-Day Substitute Permits
Individuals holding a locally issued day-to-day substitute permit in accordance with 22 Pa. Code § 49.34 may serve as a day-to-day substitute in any certificate area for a period not to exceed 20 days. Locally issued permit holders may serve as a day-to-day substitute for multiple professional or temporary professional employees for more than 20 cumulative days within a school year. Individuals holding a valid and active Pennsylvania certificate or comparable out-of-state certificate may serve as a day-to-day substitute in the individual's certificate area for 20 days. An emergency permit issued by the PDE under section 49.31 is required if substituting for an individual professional or temporary professional employee exceeds 20 days.

Amends 24 P.S. § 12-1201.1 Substitute Teaching for Prospective Teachers by allowing students enrolled in educator preparation programs to serve an unlimited number of days as a substitute for the 2021-2021 and 2022-2023 school years, except for a student teacher who is undertaking the student teaching experience under 22 Pa. Code 354.25(f). Section 1201.1 permits Chief School Administrators to issue permits to students currently enrolled in educator preparation programs —provided the student is continuously enrolled in a PDE-approved undergraduate educator preparation program and the student has taken at least 60 semester hours or its equivalent. Note: A Teacher Information Management System application is not required; however, the LEA must maintain records for individuals with these permits.

Amends 24 P.S. §  12-1205.2 Continuing Professional Development by allowing educators with inactive certification who are not annuitants to substitute for 180 days per school year on the inactive certificate.

Amends  24 P.S. § 12-1215 Locally Issued Temporary Certification for Substitute Teachers by enabling LEAs to issue permits to an individual with a letter from an educator preparation program that verifies the individual has completed an approved teacher preparation program, has successfully completed certification testing requirements or is in the process of scheduling the required tests, and has completed all the requirements for earning a bachelor's degree on a date certain. These permits are used for day-to-day assignments and expire at the end of the school year (including summer) or upon the individual's receipt of an Instructional I certification. For the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school year, these substitute certificates may be used for assignments of more than 20 consecutive days to fill a position due to the absence of a professional employee.

Please present the following documents:
1.    Cover Letter
2.    Application -
3.    Current Resume 
4.    Valid/Active PA Teaching Certificate
5.    Pennsylvania State Police Clearance (ACT 34) - For Employment Purposes - dated within 60 months
6.    Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance (ACT 151) - For Employment Purposes - dated within 60 months
7.    FBI Federal Fingerprint Clearance (ACT 114) - For Employment (PDE) Purposes - dated within 60 months
       Employment Code: 1KG6XN 
       *Please have Section 1 completed and signed for 1) your current employer, and 2) any former employers that are 
       school entities; and former employers where the position held involved direct contact with children.
13.   Letters of Reference
14.   For Emergency Permits: Bachelor's Degree Transcripts in a "Sealed" Envelope are Required
15.   For School Nurse Emergency Permits: A Current Pennsylvania RN License is Required
16.   A Valid Driver's License and Social Security Card will also be required for employment

Please present all documentation to: 

Beaver Area School District
Attn: Tracy Mansell, Employee Compliance Coordinator
1300 Fifth Street | Beaver, PA  15009

Our office hours are from 8:00AM until 4:30PM, Monday - Friday.
For Inquiries:  724-774-0250 x 5004

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